Thursday 28 February 2008

I Am Spartacus

I'm starting to feel something might be happening here. As more people read my tortured tales of the shit end of TV perhaps there is some sort of groundswell of support forming. Perhaps together we could make a change!!

I'm thinking off launching national 'fuck off and get your own latte day'. With enough support, maybe every runner in the country could at the same time turn round and say "I'm not paid enough for this shit - you can get your own latte today!". If we all got together and said fuck off what could they do? If every Producer/Director/Exec etc was suddenly forced to see that runners all over the country are underpaid and treated like shit they might be forced to change things (these people have generally never been runners themselves, so do not understand how demeaning it is to be treated the way they treat us!).

We could all revolt - what would they do? Have to stay late doing pointless jobs (watching media copy springs to mind). Do their own fucking digitising! Learn how to make a cup of tea (and not complain its not to your taste because you made it yourself!) Actually get a suntan by leaving the edit suite to collect their own lunch! This could actually be liberating for all involved.

We can change the future. We can make a pledge to stick together, and to never treat people the way we were treated! Runners of the world unite! Lets make the future a better place for all the runners who have yet been born. It could be like the scene in Spartacus when everyone pretends to be him so the Romans can't kill old bum chin Douglas. Minus the homo-erotica of course.

You in?


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