Tuesday 4 March 2008

The Buddha of Soho

There's a edit on at the moment where the director has just returned from a six week shoot in Nepal and Tibet. Of course she wants the world to know what an amazing place it is and how it effected her spritually. "I got there a few weeks early before the shoot started. I felt at home as soon as i landed in Thamel, all the locals there wear North Face - it was like being at a TV conference!" I overheard her tell Dixon. This female director now seems to think she is some sort of buddhist spritualist, its like the Dalai Lama is in the bloody building.

She wears a pashmina, gets runners to leave thier shoes outiside the edit suite when they bring in drinks, and does a little bow of the head and puts her hands together in some sort of psuedo spritual way whenever she finishes a sequence she's happy with. Its a shame she's working on "Kyle Mclachlan: In Search of Snowcats" for Discovery US - not exactly going to change the world with that one! Also, I'm no expert on the ways of buddhism, but I'm guessing this director hasn't quite mastered one of its fundimental principles - not being a cunt to people. At the moment she is sending me all over london in search of Dhal Bhat "Just like you get in a Himilyan tea house." The smell of her now strict vegan diet filtering through into the edit suite come late afternoon nearly had me feeling sorry for Dixon having to sit next to her as well.

Well nearly.


Lotto said...

Oh my goodness, I so feel your pain!
I am a production runner, we get so much of the same shit too. I think we should revolt as we are not paid nearly enough for all the rubbish we have to do.
I don't even drink tea or coffee and yet I have to make it for supercilious tossers all day!
Ps. great blog