Monday 25 February 2008

Put Your Hands Up For Dexter

I've given ITV a few knocks recently - not least for being the chaviest of the terrestrial stations (don't get me started on Linda Lusardi on Dancing On Ice with her cowboy routine on Saturday - you should stick to getting your tits out love); but this Wednesday the channel has the potential to rise like a phoenix from the flames.

Dexter (ITV1 Wednesday 10.35PM) is quite simply the best television drama I have ever seen (the internet is a wonderful place), and for ITV1 to sign up this show is surely a masterstroke by their acquisitions department. The show centres on Miami police department blood spatter analyst Dexter Morgan; who in his spare time just happens to be a serial killer. But Dexter doesn't kill anyone; he only kills other serial killers, and somehow this makes his whole character criminally endearing. The production values are top notch; from script to screen the whole show oozes class and the story is utterly captivating.

I will not spoil any of the plot, and lets just hope ITV1 have also signed up for Season 2 - which somehow even manages to surpass the first in its excellence. Forget Lost, 24 and Prison Break - Dexter is simply the best imported Drama you will see on television this year. It won't be long before everyones talking about it (especially that snake eyed witch on the radio). So don't miss out on the chance to finally see some decent television.

If only I could hire Dexter to dispose of Dixon? I can only dream. He did give me something to smile about today though. He turned up for his edit in a sour mood - he'd wanked the best part of £500 on match tickets yesterday to watch the media club of choice lose the cup to Tottenham. He was acting like he actually cared about the match but the prick can only name about five Chelsea players - I've got a feeling he only went so he could tell everyone "The match? Yeah I was there bruv! Blinding mate. Put your fucking hands up!". But instead he found out that no-one actually cared. They were more concerned with taking the piss out of his shit new semi-mohican haircut. Which he'd even died blue for the game.





Unknown said...

Hi Alan, love reading the blog - I work in a junior TV role too, and sympathise totally.

Would love to see Whiley break her leg jumping on the latest bandwagon too!
