Tuesday 5 February 2008

Guerilla Warfare

Channel 4 are currently interviewing for their head of documentary role at the channel. The remit for applicants is "Making programmes that are as innovative, diverse and provocative as they are popular".

This 'phrase' certainly sums up the state of documentaries on Channel 4. Current boss Angus Macqueen left to return to filmmaking after becoming frustrated at the early promise not materialising of high-quality films returning to the schedule. The factual output on Channel 4 is designed to shock and disgust - good for ratings amongst the caveman population ("Ug biggest scrotum in the world, must watch that"), bad for documentary viewers of a more discerning position. I've watched one single factual programme on Channel 4 this past year (Nick Broomfields 'Ghosts'), and even that was dramatised.

Filmmakers need to go back to their roots. Forget the formats - The Supernannys, The Secret Millionaires - lets get back to making the tremondous one off documentaries we're capable of producing. Drop the Celebrities, drop the guff and get out there with a camera and film what happens naturally in the world. We live on a very interesting planet, you don't need to force things to happen! It needn't be contrived, it needn't be controlled. Guerilla filmmakers of the future let the cameras roll, and finally the revolution will be televised.