Thursday 13 December 2007

Runner Aid

“I really wanted to go to Fabric the other weekend but had spent all my money and it was only a week after payday! I’m getting minimum wage but my flat costs me £700 a month. I keep having to ask my parents for some cash to get me by”
- anonymous TV Runner

Runner Aid is launching their Christmas appeal and we would like as many people as possible to get involved. This Christmas we want to fulfil the dreams of some of the nations least appreciated and underpaid workers, those that carry out the vital job of being TV runners. Many only receive minimum wage for their hard work while some are not paid at all.

With your help we're aiming to reach a target similar to that of a production budget for the today show on Radio 4. Some production runners have to work in the cold wind, rain and snow without the benefit of North Face clothing. Some Edit runners often have to prepare the most expensive brands of tea and coffee for their edit house clients, yet at home are drinking Tesco value tea bags. One runner we heard about could not even afford to buy a round of drinks when they went out with their mates. These poor impoverished runners are putting their health and finances at risk for a career in the media.

Together we can help them. If you can see it in your heart to donate just one pound a month to this fund we can help make a runners life more bearable. With £200 a month we will be able to help keep a Soho runner in the cutting edge fashion expected of them, while a one off donation of £150 will put a North Face jacket on a camera assistant or help to send a production company runner on holiday to Tuscany. Bit by bit we can help these runners have a similar life to their better paid colleagues and one day when they run their own production companies or facilities houses they might not talk down to their lowly staff and pay them peanuts. Every pound donated will help raise a smile from someone who spends their days taking shit from other people. Please give what you can.