Wednesday 19 March 2008

"Alan, can i have minute.........."

"..........of course, in fact you can have two." I answered to the facilities manager's question.

There was a sense of foreboding in the air; my outburst last week had hung heavy round my neck like a particularly overweight albatross. In fact I was amazed it hadn't been a instant dismissal, it can only have been the madness and anger in my eyes that had stopped them sacking me on the spot. Perhaps they were now afraid of me, worried that i might really snap and do a Soho version of Columbine. The thought had crossed my mind a few times while playing Call of Duty 4 on my X Box at three in the morning, but I had concluded that a murder spree was a bad career move. In the last few days I had become a social pariah, no one talked to me. I hadn't even been asked to make any cups of tea since Rudyardgate.

So there she was, shepherding me into a empty edit suite clutching a brown envelope, containing without doubt my P45. My mind wondered to the scene in Goodfellas when Joe Pesci's character thinks he's gonna get 'made' and instead gets a bullet in the head; what differs is that I had no misapprehension about the subject of this 'meeting'. One thing that unites the lowly runner and the channel exec is that at some point you will probably cop a bullet, get the boot, the sack, shown the door, sling your hook - and it doesn't help if you have called the boss a cunt. So here's how it went down:

"Alan I'm sure you have an idea whats this about."

"Sorry I'm not sure." I answered.

"Last week Alan, your little outburst."

I went silent and let her talk. Don't really see your future here, don't fit in as well as others, not sure what direction you want to take, think you might find a better fit elsewhere.... My eyes glazed over, I nodded and refrained from telling here to go fuck herself.

Sometimes its best to take whats coming to you on the chin, talking only makes it worse. I need to find a new job and any more discrepancies in my reputation will spread round the industry quicker than a fire in a Japanese tea house. This looks like the end.

For now.