Sunday 9 March 2008

On The Edit Bench

Often due to overrunning, executive changes or generally just because they can, editors will want to work on the weekend. This of course involves me having to come in and make tea and collect lunches for them, and generally sit around for most of the day doing nothing.

This weekend though was different.

Rudyard wanted to come in as he needs to leave his edit early to take a holiday in Florence. Normally, the editors will just get on with what they have to do - not Rudyard. He appears to have seen the potential in me, as he insisted I sit in on his edit all day today so he could teach me the art of cutting.

It was amazing; one on one tuition from the best editor I've ever met. He showed me the importance of a creative approach to the material while also considering the impact of your choices on the viewer. Where Dixon shows off and throws all manner of worthless plug-ins at a shot and only considers how cool it looks, Rudyard only considers its worth in the programmes overall narrative.

Then something amazing happened - he insisted I cut a sequence! Alan Runner, taken under the wing of the best editor in the business and now cutting a broadcast television show! Today was quite possibly the best day of my life. If I can stay in with Rudyard, who knows what the future may hold for me. Freelance wages, the respect of my peers - maybe even the odd holiday! Things are looking up for me, this has been a very good weekend.

Thankyou Rudyard.