Thursday 10 July 2008


Regular readers of the blog will remember the posts back in the day, called 'Nu Cunts On The Block' and 'Grimshaw'. I predicted the latter would explode on to your screens like a dirty kay bomb; I wasn't wrong as the cunt was all over the Glastonbury coverage and has got his own show on Radio 1 - fortunately my ears have yet to be poisoned by this as I'm more of a BBC6 man, but I'm sure its as shit as the curly fringed fuckwit.

What I didn't expect to see was the other two all over the telly 'mang'. Thats right, the cococunt twits are starting to get people to believe their own hype and have gained employment from our wonderful television stations. They so have their finger on the pulse of Britain's youth don't they! The moomim-a-like has taken up Sarpongs mantle on T4, and the purveyor of 1990s Spike Lee stylisms has secured herself a prime self-promoting slot on BBC Three's new show 'Class of 2008'.

Apparently this show is introducing Londons latest bright young things to the world - as if they hadn't caused us enough pain with Kate fucking Nash - and it won't be long before the most nausiating one has their own late night chat show with James Corden on the sofa.

What I really want to know is, wheres the rest of the country?? Give some of the bright young things outside of the M25 a leg up for once Auntie.

P.S Notice how I failed to mention Lily Allen once there? Heres why.