Sunday 20 April 2008

Am I the only one?

So I'm sat here watching the Bafta's. Mainly agreeable (bar the fact that Boy A didn't win best single drama, a utter travesty for quite possibly the best piece of television in the last ten years) apart from one glaring piece of turd.





Am I the only person on this island who finds this programme the most nauseating, self indulgent, prime time cuntwash that has ever graced the screens? Maybe. The fat bloke who loves himself (Gavins mate in said toss) who also doubles as the writer, walked away with some best comedy performance. He beat Mitchell (nominated for Peep Show, quite possibly the best sitcom ever, bar Partridge) and Merchant. After watching his performance on Something for the weekend a few weeks back (a I'm so great bastian of cuntishness pastiche with a layer of I'm famous name dropping), followed up by a disgusting display of unmitigated flirtatious puke on Lily Allens couch (like she'd ever, and the thought of even the possibility makes me want to peel my skin from its bones anyway) made the guy (I don't even care to learn his name) Alan's public enemy number one.

But to my surprise, his award speech was unbelievably humble and grateful, dedicating the award to his co-writer, Saxondales wife. My previous view felt harsh, and my guilt ran deep. I was preparing my apology.

But then said bloke stepped up to accept another award with the rest of the gang, Bryden and all.

Return of the cunt.

Please tell me I'm not the only person who feels this? Is Gavin and Stacey really the genius that we are led to believe? Am I just being harsh, led by my obvious disdain for BBC3 or because every time the news comes on they only mention the fact that G&S won two awards, in turn winding me up? Or just because the writer bloke annoys me and seems to be everywhere at the moment? I don't mind Gavin, he seems like a nice guy. But the other blokes just gets on my nerves! I feel like my judgement is stained. Please tell me, under this intense pressure from the great bastions of our television society saying this series is great, that my vision is somewhat clouded? No it is not. Gavin and fucking Stacey is rubbish. And so is Cranford (The 'I'd rather have a period' school of drama).

Bring back Spaced!


Anonymous said...

Yes you are. G & S is charming, refreshing and hilarious. I felt the BAFTAs were pretty spot on for a change apart from giving Harry Hill so many gongs. While the show is humorous I don't believe Hill's performance is the reason behind it. Simon Amstell was robbed.

Rant said...

You have to admit though that BBC3 (or as they've renamed it THREE) has released a couple of gems, Smoking Room and Ideal for example. I admit most of their stuff is pure digi-bilge (Me and my Small Breasts’ ad infinitum).

I dunno about gavin and Stacey though, I get a somewhat guilty pleasure from it. It doesn’t feel condescending like most romantic comedies, plus it has the appeal of being accessible to different age groups. Unlike two pints of shite which is just focused on twenty somethings talking about their naughty bits, G&S has somewhat natural comedy. You’ve got oldies talking about Facebook, the younglings like Smithy getting into conversations about oven gloves, it has conversations you could easily imagine happening in your house.

And also the romance between the protagonists feels good, it’s not overly sickly or ridiculous.

Plus you’ve got culture divide and social class chucked in without having it brandished in your face.

Rant said...

Oh did you hear the news? America has bought the rights to Spaced, they're gonna make a US version. Lord help us all..

Alan Runner said...

Yeah I did hear that, lets hope they pull off a shit pilot like when they tried to re-make Red Dwarf (another all time favourite sitcom of mine) and thats as far as it goes!

Rant said...

Don't forget they also tried to copy Dad's Army, Dad's Army for fuck's sake? How did they think that would ever work?

I don't think they should make Spaced Series 3 though, even Simon Pegg admitted it'd be shite, it's the laws of '3 Series Rule' thing. Also they're too old now to play twenty something wasters. Pegg's 37 this year!