Monday morning in E-17 and already the weekend can’t arrive soon enough as I bring Dixon and Toby their first pompous designer beverages of the week.
“Hey Alman Ive got a little job for you”
Once having been a fellow runner, Toby took great pleasure in being able to order me around as it polished his ego.
“Run down to the tape monkeys and pick up the Digi that D’s asked them to dub over the weekend will you? Oh, and while your there - do us a big favour yeah? There’s this hot new Eurotrash girl started last week, find out what her name is and shit will you….Koika’s back in Japan for a few weeks, so the accounts back open while shes away!!.”
Great, perhaps I could organise some prostitutes to come and fellate you both while you edit I thought. Dixons far too busy staring at his customised 32” HD monitor to thank me for his Vivanno. Then he pipes up.
“Tobe mate, take it easy, old Casanova Alan here might want this bird all to himself. You never know he might get a sympathy fuck if he goes ‘full retard’ on her like he does round here all the time!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!”
They both laughed in my face, wankers. At least a little trip downstairs will get me away from them for a bit.
The arid claustrophobic cell that passes for the tape duplication room was empty. I started looking for Dixon’s tape, then felt a soft hand on my shoulder.
“Are you Alan…the runner?”
I turned round to see the five foot nine splendour that was Nadja. Half Suicide Girl, half Bond beauty she’s the kind of girl I chase after all the time apart from the fact she’s real and not someone’s pimped up second life avatar.
"Um yes.. I’m Alan are you new here?”
“I’m Nadja. My father is Sergei the security guard. I now have job here as I used to work for Leningrad Televisikion. I’ve heard a lot about you from pappa…you are actually better looking than he described you.”
“ I bet he, er thinks I look a right geek”
“No my father told me you are a good , strong, handsome man… I think you are in fact a good strong.... very handsome man”
Hmmmm was she to use the technical term ‘ripping the piss’ out of me I wondered. Girls generally treat me with disdain or have no feelings about me at all, sort of like a pop tart, not disliked but certainly not liked much either.
“Um I got sent down to pick up a Digi for Dixon? Hes in Edit 17.”
“Dixon, he’s the one who dress like a soldier, right?”
I prepared myself for the worst. Here we go, now i'll have to listen to yet another girl go on for ages about how cool and sexy that prick is. She was just buttering me up to try and get some info about the strutting cock of the building. How does Dixon do it with the ladies? I nodded and replied with a fake smile. “Yes that’s Dixon”
“Ahh. He is Alan, what we say in Russian...bivneetca”
“Sorry Nadja my Russian really isn’t as good as it should be”
“Alan I think it translate to English as ….show off asshole’”
I think I’m in love, this girls beautiful, funny, intelligent and she thinks Dixons a tosser. If only I could grow a pair of balls and ask her out!
I laughed, she laughed. We had a moment........then I then lost my cool so moved things along.
“So is the tape done, I’ll take it up.”
“Oh yes, here it is.
As she gave me the tape our hands touched and we looked into each others eyes, time seemed to freeze. Those beautiful green eyes of hers were staring right at me. I’m going to do it, I thought. I’m going to ask her out, my mouth opened but no words came out, it was just dry. I couldn’t get the words out. I’m fucking useless at this. Then something amazing happened.
“Alan, are you free Friday evening after work, perhaps we could go out, just you and me we could have drink, if you don't have girlfriend?”
“YES.YES.YES!! No I mean, I don’t have a girlfriend and yes I would really like that, Friday night, we could go for a drink."
Fuck me.
I used to think I was an atheist now I believe in Christ, Allah, Buddha, Vishnu and everyone else staring down at us, I love them all. I love them all, and today it seems………….
……..they love me as well.
Monday, 22 September 2008
Posted by
Alan Runner
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if things turn out really well let's pretend that i didn't make that russian mail-order bride comment. good luck! oh, and don't tell the bosses you've got the date - i can't see that going well.
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